Once you submit this form, your account will be activated immediately and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you with your password and instructions.
If you are an existing customer of Marlin Ink and wish to sign up for another account we can fill your registration form for you with the details of an existing account you hold. Don't forget to enter a new User ID and select your billing cycle. Existing UserID:

Free Hosting Account Registration
Your UserID becomes your server access ID. It also determines the name of your Marlin Ink virtual web server, which will be http://userid.marlinink.com/. This is a courtesy domain only. You can use your own domain by mapping the domain name in the Member Services section.

Rules for UserIDs:
  • Between two and fourteen characters
  • Can only contain lower-case letters, digits, a dash or minus sign
  • Must begin with a letter
  • No spaces or other punctuation characters are allowed
  • UserID:
    Important: Make sure that you enter your e-mail address correctly so that you can receive your activation code.
    E-mail Address:
    Retype E-mail Address:
    First Name:
    Last Name:
    Company Name:
    Daytime/Contact Ph:
    After Hours Ph:
    Street Address:
    Postal Code/ZIP:
    Web Site Type:
    How did you hear about us ?
    (specific source please for eg. which website/magazine)
    Promo Code
    (optional field)

    In summary: Marlin Ink is concerned about quality access for all its members.
    No warez, mp3 or Adult Sites permitted. Sites of this nature will be removed from the system without any notice. Members are able to setup one free trial membership, any attempt to sign up multiple accounts will cause the deletion of the related accounts. Marlin Ink does not allow storage of large binary files on the free trial membership and the system automatically deletes any files larger than 400k. This policy provides for an equitable use of our facilities without any individual being able to abuse resources. If you need to store larger files then you should join one of the other accounts.

    If you need assistance, please send an email to support@marlinink.com